Enola Holmes 2

Now a detective-for-hire like her infamous brother, Enola Holmes takes on her first official case to find a missing girl, as the sparks of a dangerous ..
Starring:Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, David Thewlis
Creators:Harry Bradbeer, Sarah Hayward
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"Enola Holmes 2" ... Now a detective-for-hire like her infamous brother, Enola Holmes takes on her first official case to find a missing girl, as the sparks of a dangerous conspiracy ignite a mystery that requires the help of friends — and Sherlock himself — to unravel..

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Enola Holmes 2

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Enola Holmes 2

Enola Holmes 2

More Details

Release Date
Adventure, Mystery, Crime
Added in
January 25, 2024
Millie Bobby Brown Henry Cavill David Thewlis Louis Partridge Susan Wokoma

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